Over time your use of Decisions on Demand may generate many invocation and policy execution records. These records are typically not useful beyond a certain timeframe. Excessive numbers of these records make the user interfaces slower, and sometimes impossible to navigate. They may also make it difficult or impossible to delete business policies. And they unnecessarily consume data storage.

For these reasons we strongly recommend that you clean these records out periodically.

To make this easier, Decisions on Demand v2.4 or higher provides a built in cleaner mechanism which runs as a nightly job. To use the Execution and Invocation Record Cleaner:

  • Go to the Decisions on Demand Tab and choose 'Setup' and 'Admin Jobs'
  • Select either a standard retention period of 7, 30, or 90 days or a custom retention period 
    • For most customers a 30 retention period is sufficient
    • The period you select will determine the "Records to be deleted next run"
  • Choose the time of the day, for the Salesforce organization, that you want the job to runScreenshot of the Decisions on Demand Execution and Invocation Record Cleaner
  • Click 'Start'      

On a related note: you should exclude Decisions on Demand Business Policies (and their associated detail records) when you create a sandbox. Failure to do so will slow down sandbox creation and make it difficult to port business policies from the production or other orgs. Please see How do I initialize Decisions on Demand in a Sandbox for details.