Action behavior can be customized in various ways using global parameters. Examples for the AssignOwner action include:

  • OptionalAssignment: allow 'empty' assignments without any user or group (used to exclude specific records from assignment)
  • AssignmentCap: maximum number of assignments a user can have before being dropped from distribution
  • AssignmentCountFilter: filter selected records for purposes of Load Balancing  
  • SubTable: mark an AssignOwner action as a sub-table

This article describes the general steps for adding a global action parameter.

After creating a policy, navigate to the policy detail page and then click Edit to update the policy.


  • Click the Gear icon at the top right of the assignment table
  • Select the action you wish to modify
  • In the Edit Section Properties pane, click the Add parameter link in the Global Parameters section to add a new parameter:

  • Enter the name and value of the parameter

  • Save the configuration

  • Complete the wizard to Test, and if desired, Commit and Activate the new version