A restriction is a way to provide guidance to the user when entering data into the columns of a business policy. There are two types of restrictions:

  • Picklists
    Picklists provide a limited number of choices for a value to enter in a table cell. They are displayed as a single- or multi-select dropdown.
    A picklist is typically linked to a picklist field in Salesforce, but it may also have a manually defined set of values.
    As an example, here is a picklist for the Industry field on the Lead object.
  • Lookups
    A lookup restriction checks that a value references an existing record in Salesforce. For example, lookups are used to check that a user name matches an existing user.
    A lookup can reference any text or ID field on any Salesforce object.
    In some cases, a lookup column will display a lookup icon to select values from among existing records. For instance:
    For other objects, the lookup dialog is not supported. However validation is applied for all lookups, and invalid values are highlighted as here:

To add a restriction:

  1. Navigate to the policy detail page, click Edit, then select the gear icon to open the policy configuration editor
  2. Select the column to which you want to add the restriction
  3. Click Add restriction in the Column Properties section
  4. Configure the restriction in the Restriction Detail dialog
    This example shows a Lookup restriction

    Note: if you have a large number of objects or fields, the Object and Field dropdowns may take a while to populate.
  5. The other restriction type is Picklist
    The following source types are available for picklist restrictions:
    • Salesforce field: obtain the valid values from a Picklist field in Salesforce
    • Custom values: explicitly specify the valid values
    • Table lookup: determine valid values based on the values shown in a column of another table
    • Special: pre-defined lists of values, such a Date periods